The sphere of scientific interests
of “SF "SFA CMT" n. a. Prokopenko N.A.”
(at “SIO "ACNS"”) includes
the financing of the creation,
distribution and use:
“The information technologies”,
“The informatization of the information environments
of the educational establishments”,
“The architectures of the adaptive means of training”,
“(Cognitive) informatics”,
“(Cognitive) psychology”,
“(Cognitive) linguistics”,
“Economic theory”,
“The financial analysis,
monetary circulation and credit”,
“Theoretical mechanics”,
“Physical chemistry”
and “Molecular biology”.
I. The director of “SF "SFA CMT"
n. a. Prokopenko N.A.”
(at “SIO "ACNS"”)
were developed the dissertation
“The environment of automated training
with the properties of adaptation
based on the cognitive models”
on the competition of scientific degree
of candidate of technical sciences
on spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis,
control and information processing”,
the dissertation
“The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis
of the information-educational environments”
on the competition of scientific degree
of doctor of technical sciences
on spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis,
control and information processing”
and 19.00.02 – “Psychophysiology of perception”
(19.00.03 – “Psychology of work,
engineering psychology and ergonomics”)
and the methodical support
of the discipline “Informatics”,
the financing
of the fundamental and applied researches
of the information environment
of automated training was carried out,
it was succeeded to carry out
the essential contribution
into the development of technics
(theory and practice).
At the present moment of time
“SF "SFA CMT" n. a. Prokopenko N.A.”
(at “SIO "ACNS"”)
were received the following
theoretical and practical
scientific results of financing in the area
of technics, technology
and the (micro-) system analysis:
1.1. The financing of modernization
of the environment of automated training
with the properties of adaptation
based on the cognitive models.
1.2. The financing of modernization
of the cognitive modeling technology
for the (micro-) system analysis
of the information-educational environment
and the increasing in the efficiency
of functioning
of the automated training system
with the properties of adaptation
based on the parametrical
cognitive models block,
· the technique of its use;
· the ways (models) of representation
of the structure of the cognitive model;
· the algorithm of formation
of the structure of the cognitive model;
· the technique of research of the parameters
of the cognitive model of the subject of training;
· the technique of research of the parameters
of the cognitive model of the means of training;
· the algorithm of processing
of a posteriori data of testing
of the level of residual knowledge
of the contingent of trainees
and the diagnostics of the individual
features of the contingent of examinees.
1.3. The financing of modernization
of the parametrical cognitive models block
as the information basis
of the (micro-) system analysis
of the information-educational environment,
· the cognitive model of the subject of training;
· the cognitive model of the means of training.
1.4. The financing of modernization
of the structure of the complex of programs
as the means of automation
of the (micro-) system analysis
of the information-educational environment
and the increasing in the efficiency
of functioning
of the automated training system
with the properties of adaptation
based on the cognitive models,
· the adaptive means of training
(the electronic textbook,
the electronic laboratory practical workshop,
the electronic dean’s office
and the electronic library)
based on the adaptive representation
of information fragments
· the basic diagnostic module;
· the applied diagnostic module.
1.5. The financing of the statistical
substantiation of a posteriori data
of the (micro-) system analysis
of the information-educational environment,
· the features of the primary processing
of a posteriori data;
· the descriptive statistics
of a posteriori data of research
of the physiological, psychological
and linguistic portraits
of the cognitive models;
· the choice of the methods
of the statistical analysis
of a posteriori data
of a series of experiments;
· the calculation of the coefficients (indicators)
of correlation;
· the calculation of the coefficients (indicators)
of covariation;
· the results of the dispersion analysis;
· the results of the regression analysis;
· the results of the discriminant analysis;
· the results of the multidimensional scaling;
· the results of the hierarchical
cluster analysis;
· the results of the factor analysis.
1.6. The financing of the generalized
results of the dynamics of changing
of the resultativity of functioning
of the information-educational environment
and the increasing in the efficiency
of functioning
of the automated training system
with the properties of adaptation
based on the parametrical
cognitive models block.
The conception
of the financing of integration
of the automated training system
with the properties of adaptation
based on the cognitive models
into the information-educational environment
of the establishment of the system of education
of the modern country was developed.
II. The director of “SF "SFA CMT"
n. a. Prokopenko N.A.”
(at “SIO "ACNS"”)
was develop the dissertation
“The cognitive modeling technology
for the financial analysis and audit of organization”
on the competition of scientific degree
of the doctor of economic sciences
on spec. 08.00.10 – “Finance,
monetary circulation and credit”,
the financing of researches
of the enterprises and (credit) organization
was carried out,
it was possible to made the essential contribution
into the development of economics
(theory and practice).
At the present moment of time
of “SF "SFA CMT" n. a. Prokopenko N.A.”
(at “SIO "ACNS"”)
were received the following
theoretical and practical
scientific results of financing in the area
of economics, the (micro-) financial analysis
(and audit):
2.1. The financing of researches
of the vertical and horizontal integrated
organizational structures
of the enterprise and (credit) organization
as the managing subjects
of the economic system of the country.
2.2. The financing of modernization
of the cognitive modeling technology
for the (micro-) financial analysis (and audit)
of the enterprise and (credit) organization,
· the technique of its use;
· the ways (models) of representation
of the structure of the cognitive model;
· the algorithm of formation
of the structure of the cognitive model;
· the technique of formation
of the normative-legal basis
of the (micro-) financial analysis (and audit)
of the enterprise and (credit) organization;
· the technique of formation
of the information basis
of the (micro-) financial analysis (and audit)
of the enterprise and (credit) organization;
· the technique of additional check
of the information basis
of the (micro-) financial analysis (and audit)
of the enterprise and (credit) organization;
· the technique of research of the parameters
of the cognitive model for the vertical
financial analysis (and audit);
· the technique of research of the parameters
of the cognitive model for the horizontal
financial analysis (and audit);
· the technique of research of the parameters
of the cognitive model for the trend
financial analysis (and audit)
based on the analytical
coefficients system;
· the algorithm of processing
of a posteriori data
of the vertical, horizontal and trend
(micro-) financial analysis (and audit),
and also the estimation in the efficiency
of functioning
of the enterprise and (credit) organization
based on the primary registers
of accounting
and the financial analysis.
2.3. The financing of modernization
of the parametrical
cognitive models block
as the information basis
of the (micro-) financial analysis (and audit)
of the enterprise and (credit) organization,
· the cognitive model for the vertical
financial analysis (and audit)
of the enterprise and (credit) organization;
· the cognitive model for the horizontal
financial analysis (and audit)
of the enterprise and (credit) organization;
· the cognitive model for the trend
financial analysis (and audit)
based on the analytical
coefficients system.
2.4. The financing of modernization
of the structure of the complex of programs
as the means of automation
of the (micro-) financial analysis (and audit)
of the enterprise and (credit) organization,
· the means of automation of formation
of the working plan of accounts
based on the normative-regulated
plan of accounts of the accounting
of the enterprise and (credit) organization;
· the means of automation of formation
of the accounting balance
and the report about the profits and losses
of the enterprise and (credit) organization;
· the means of automation of the vertical
financial analysis (and audit)
of the enterprise and (credit) organization;
· the means of automation of the horizontal
financial analysis (and audit)
of the enterprise and (credit) organization;
· the means of automation of the trend
financial analysis (and audit)
of the enterprise and (credit) organization
based on the analytical
coefficients system.
2.5. The financing of the statistical
substantiation of a posteriori data
of the (micro-) financial analysis (and audit)
of the enterprise and (credit) organization,
· the features of the primary processing
of a posteriori data;
· the descriptive statistics
of a posteriori data
based on the cognitive models
for the vertical, horizontal
and trend financial analysis (and audit)
based on the analytical
coefficients system;
· the choice of the methods
of the statistical analysis
for the processing of a posteriori data;
· the calculation of coefficients (indicators)
of correlation;
· the calculation of coefficients (indicators)
of covariation;
· the results of the dispersion analysis;
· the results of the regression analysis;
· the results of the discriminant analysis;
· the results of the multidimensional scaling;
· the results of the hierarchical
cluster analysis;
· the results of the factor analysis.
2.6. The financing of the generalized results
of the dynamics of changing of the resultativity
of the (micro-) financial analysis (and audit)
and the increasing in the efficiency
of the financial-economy activity
of the enterprise and (credit) organization.
The conception of financing
of the (micro-) financial analysis (and audit)
of the organizational structure
of the enterprise and (credit) organization
based on the cognitive modeling technology
and the parametrical cognitive models block
was developed.
III. The director of “SF "SFA CMT"
n. a. Prokopenko N.A.”
(at “SIO "ACNS"”)
was develop the dissertation
“The cognitive modeling technology
for the complex analysis
of the difficult objects, processes and phenomena:
nuclear polymers”
on the competition of scientific degree
of the doctor of physical-mathematical sciences
on spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis,
control and information processing”
and 01.02.01 – “Theoretical mechanics”
(01.04.15 – “Physics and technology
of nano-structures,
atomic and molecular physics”
and 02.00.04 – “Physical chemistry”),
the researches
of the difficult objects, processes and phenomena
(the multi-nuclear plasmatic formations –
chemical elements) were carried out,
it was possible to made the contribution
into the development of theoretical mechanics
and physics-mathematical sciences
(theory and practice).
At the present moment of time
“SF "SFA CMT" n. a. Prokopenko N.A.”
(at “SIO "ACNS"”)
were received the following
theoretical and practical
scientific results of financing in the area
of the theoretical mechanics
and physical-mathematical sciences
(the genesis and practical use
of the cognitive circle, cognitive disc,
cognitive cylinder, cognitive cone,
cognitive sphere,
the one-, two-, three-, four-, five- and more
cognitive sphere
and other difficult cognitive models):
3.1. The financing of modernization
of the cognitive circle, cognitive disc,
cognitive cylinder, cognitive cone,
cognitive sphere,
one-, two-, three-, four-, five- and more
cognitive sphere
and other difficult cognitive models
for the (micro-) complex analysis
of the difficult objects, processes and phenomena.
3.2. The financing of modernization
of the cognitive modeling technology
for the (micro-) complex analysis
based on the cognitive circle,
cognitive disc, cognitive cylinder,
cognitive cone, cognitive sphere,
the one-, two-, three-, four-, five- and more
cognitive sphere
and other difficult cognitive models,
· the technique of its use;
· the ways (models) of representation
of the structure of the cognitive circle,
cognitive disc, cognitive cylinder,
cognitive cone, cognitive sphere,
the one-, two-, three-, four-, five- and more
cognitive sphere
and other difficult cognitive models;
· the algorithm of formation
of the structure of the cognitive circle;
· the algorithm of formation
of the structure of the cognitive disc;
· the algorithm of formation
of the structure of the cognitive cylinder;
· the algorithm of formation
of the structure of the cognitive cone;
· the algorithm of formation
of the structure of the cognitive sphere;
· algorithm of formation of the structure
of the one-, two-, three-, four-, five- and more cognitive sphere
and other difficult cognitive models;
· the technique of formation
of the normative-technical basis
of the cognitive circle, cognitive disc,
cognitive cylinder,
cognitive cone, cognitive sphere,
the one-, two-, three-, four-, five- and more
cognitive sphere
and other difficult cognitive models;
· the technique of formation
of the information basis
of the cognitive circle, cognitive disc,
cognitive cylinder,
cognitive cone, cognitive sphere,
the one-, two-, three-, four-, five- and more
cognitive sphere
and other difficult cognitive models;
· the technique of additional check
of the information basis
of the cognitive circle, cognitive disc,
cognitive cylinder,
cognitive cone, cognitive sphere,
the one-, two-, three-, four-, five- and more
cognitive sphere
and other difficult cognitive models
for the (micro-) complex analysis;
· the technique of research
of the parameters of the cognitive model
based on the cognitive circle;
· the technique of research
of the parameters of the cognitive model
based on the cognitive disc;
· the technique of research
of the parameters of the cognitive model
based on the cognitive cylinder;
· the technique of research
of the parameters of the cognitive model
based on the cognitive cone;
· the technique of research
of the parameters of the cognitive model
based on the cognitive sphere;
· the technique of research
of the parameters of the cognitive model
based on the one-, two-, three-, four-, five-
and more cognitive sphere
and other difficult cognitive models;
· the algorithm of processing
of a posteriori data
of the (micro-) complex analysis
of the difficult objects,
processes and phenomena.
3.3. The financing of modernization
of the parametrical cognitive models block
as the information basis
of the (micro-) complex analysis
of the difficult objects, processes and phenomena,
· the cognitive model
based on the cognitive circle;
· the cognitive model
based on the cognitive disc;
· the cognitive model
based on the cognitive cylinder;
· the cognitive model
based on the cognitive cone;
· the cognitive model
based on the cognitive sphere;
· the cognitive model
based on the one-, two-, three-, four-, five-
and more cognitive sphere
and other difficult cognitive models.
3.4. The financing of modernizations
of the structure of the complex of programs
as the means of automation
of the (micro-) complex analysis
of the difficult objects, processes and phenomena,
· the means of automation
of the formation and research
based on the cognitive circle;
· the means of automation
of the formation and research
based on the cognitive disc;
· the means of automation
of the formation and research
based on the cognitive cylinder;
· the means of automation
of the formation and research
based on the cognitive cone;
· the means of automation
of the formation and research
based on the cognitive sphere;
· the means of automation
of the formation and research based on
the one-, two-, three-, four-, five- and more
cognitive sphere
and other difficult cognitive models;
· the means of automation
of the (micro-) complex analysis
of the difficult objects, processes and phenomena
based on the cognitive circle;
· the means of automation
of the (micro-) complex analysis
of the difficult objects, processes and phenomena
based on the cognitive disc;
· the means of automation
of the (micro-) complex analysis
of the difficult objects, processes and phenomena
based on the cognitive cylinder;
· the means of automation
of the (micro-) complex analysis
of the difficult objects, processes and phenomena
based on the cognitive cone;
· the means of automation
of the (micro-) complex analysis
of the difficult objects, processes and phenomena
based on the cognitive sphere;
· the means of automation
of the (micro-) complex analysis
of the difficult objects, processes and phenomena
based on the one-, two-, three-, four-, five-
and more cognitive sphere
and other difficult cognitive models.
3.5. The financing of the statistical
substantiation of a posteriori data
of the (micro-) complex analysis
of the difficult objects, processes and phenomena,
· the features of the primary processing
of a posteriori data;
· the descriptive statistics
of a posteriori data
based on the cognitive circle,
cognitive disc, cognitive cylinder,
cognitive cone, cognitive sphere,
the one-, two-, three-, four-, five- and more
cognitive sphere
and other difficult cognitive models;
· the choice of the methods
of the statistical analysis
for the processing of a posteriori data;
· the calculation of the coefficients (indicators)
of correlation;
· the calculation of the coefficients (indicators)
of covariation;
· the results of the dispersion analysis;
· the results of the regression analysis;
· the results of the discriminant analysis;
· the results of the multidimensional scaling;
· the results of the hierarchical
cluster analysis;
· the results of the factor analysis.
3.6. The financing of the generalized results
of the dynamics of changing
of the productivity (the increasing of efficiency)
of functioning of the difficult object,
technological process
(technological step) and phenomena.
The conception of financing
of the (micro-) complex analysis
of the difficult object, process and phenomena
based on the cognitive modeling technology
was developed.